
The National Organic Programme (NOP) is the focal agency for coordinating and implementing activities for promotion of organic agriculture (OA) in Bhutan in consultation with relevant stakeholders at the national level. The program was initiated as a component of Rural Enterprise Development Program (REDP) in 2003 under the Horticulture Division, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture. It got its program status in the year 2006.

The program objectives are to attain food self sufficiency – safe, healthy, nutritious and food diversity, environmental conservation and natural resource management, biodiversity, enhance rural income, generate employment opportunities, promote holistic integrated farming system (horticultural and field crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, livestock and forestry), promote enabling policy environment, provide appropriate OA technologies and information. Bhutan has around a total area of 56118 acres under organic management of which 5560 acres are under cultivated crops with organic practices   and 50558 acres are under organically certified wild collection.